
Cherries: Looking to convert measurements between cups (c), grams (g) and ounces (oz) for you recipes?

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Cherry Measurements Conversion in Cups, Grams, and Ounces

Cherries - Cups Grams Ounces

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Here you can find the detailed conversions for:

Chopped Glacé (Candied) Maraschino Cherries

The measurement equivalent of one cup of chopped glacé (candied) cherries can vary depending on density and how finely they are chopped. As an approximate guide, 1 cup of is approximately 220 gramsor 7.8 ounces.

amount, in cups (c) amount, in grams (g) amount, in ounces (oz)
¼ cup 55 g 1.9 oz
⅓ cup 73 g 2.6 oz
½ cup 110 g 3.9 oz
¾ cup 165 g 5.8 oz
1 cup 220 g 7.8 oz

Whole Glacé (Candied) Maraschino Cherries

The measurement equivalent of one cup of whole glacé candied cherries can vary depending on factors such as the size and syrup content. As a rough estimate, 1 cup is approximately 200 grams or 7 ounces. For precise measurements, it’s best to use a kitchen scale.

amount, in cups (c) amount, in grams (g) amount, in ounces (oz)
¼ cup 50 g 1.8 oz
⅓ cup 67 g 2.4 oz
½ cup 100 g 3.5 oz
¾ cup 150 g 5.3 oz
1 cup 200 g 7.1 oz

Halved Pitted Cherries

The measurement equivalent of one cup of halved pitted cherries can vary depending on size, type of cherry, and how tightly packed the cup is. As a rough estimate, 1 cup is approximately 190 grams or 6.7 ounces.

amount, in cups (c) amount, in grams (g) amount, in ounces (oz)
¼ cup 48 g 1.7 oz
⅓ cup 63 g 2.2 oz
½ cup 95 g 3.4 oz
¾ cup 143 g 5 oz
1 cup 190 g 6.7 oz

Whole Pitted Cherries

The measurement equivalent of one cup of whole pitted cherries can vary depending on size, type of cherry, and how tightly packed the cup is. As a rough estimate, 1 cup is approximately 200 grams or 7 ounces.

amount, in cups (c) amount, in grams (g) amount, in ounces (oz)
¼ cup 50 g 1.8 oz
⅓ cup 67 g 2.4 oz
½ cup 100 g 3.5 oz
¾ cup 150 g 5.3 oz
1 cup 200 g 7 oz

Recipes with Cherries

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