
Coconut: Looking to convert measurements between cups (c), grams (g) and ounces (oz) for you recipes?

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Coconut Measurements Conversion in Cups, Grams, and Ounces

Coconut - Cups Grams Ounces

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Here you can find the detailed conversions for different types of coconuts:

Desiccated (Shredded) Coconut

The measurements of one cup of desiccated coconut (otherwise known as shredded coconut) can vary depending on factors such as the brand, size of the flakes, density and moisture content As a rough estimate, 1 cup is approximately 80 grams or 2.8 ounces.

amount, in cups (c) amount, in grams (g) amount, in ounces (oz)
¼ cup 20 g 0.7 oz
⅓ cup 27 g 1 oz
½ cup 40 g 1.4 oz
¾ cup 60 g 2.1 oz
1 cup 80 g 2.8 oz

Coconut Cream

The weight conversion of one cup of coconut cream can vary based on the density and brand. As an estimate, 1 cup is approximately 240 grams (g) or 8.5 ounces (oz) by weight, and 240 milliliters (ml) or 8.1 fluid ounces (fl oz).

Please note: To avoid confusion, it’s important to differentiate between weight ounces (oz) and fluid ounces (fl oz). When measuring ingredients, be mindful of whether you’re referring to weight (mass) or volume. Weight ounces and fluid ounces are distinct measurements that should not be interchanged.

amount, in cups (c) amount, in grams (g) amount, in ounces (oz) amount, in millilitres (ml) amount, in fluid ounces (fl oz)
¼ cup 60 g 2.1 oz 60 ml 2 fl oz
⅓ cup 80 g 2.8 oz 80 ml 2.7 fl oz
½ cup 120 g 4.2 oz 120 ml 4 fl oz
¾ cup 180 g 6.4 oz 33 ml 6.1 fl oz
1 cup 240 g 8.5 oz 240 ml 8.1 fl oz

Coconut Oil

The weight of coconut oil can vary slightly depending on its density and temperature. As a general estimate, one cup of coconut oil is approximately 224 grams (g) or 7.94 ounces (oz) in weight, and 240 milliliters (ml) or 8.1 fluid ounces (fl oz) in volume.

Remember: Weight ounces (oz) and fluid ounces (fl oz) are different measurements and should not be confused.

amount, in volume amount, in grams (g) amount, in ounces (oz) amount, in millilitres (ml) amount, in fluid ounces (fl oz)
1 tsp 5 g 0.2 oz 5 ml 0.2 fl oz
½ tbsp 7 g 0.3 oz 7.5 ml 0.3 fl oz
1 tbsp 14 g 0.5 oz 15 ml 0.5 fl oz
¼ cup 56 g 2 oz 60 ml 2 fl oz
⅓ cup 75 g 2.7 oz 80 ml 2.7 fl oz
½ cup 112 g 4 oz 120 ml 4 fl oz
¾ cup 168 g 5.9 oz 33 ml 6.1 fl oz
1 cup 224 g 7.9 oz 240 ml 8.1 fl oz

Coconut Water

amount, in volume amount, in grams amount, in fluid ounces ( fl oz) amount, in millilitres (ml)
⅛ tsp 0.6 g 0.02 fl oz 0.625 ml
¼ tsp 1.3 g 0.04 fl oz 1.25 ml
½ tsp 3 g 0.1 fl oz 2.5 ml
¾ tsp 4 g 0.1 fl oz 3.75 ml
1 tsp 5 g 0.2 fl oz 5 ml
½ tbsp 8 g 0.3 fl oz 7.5 ml
1 tbsp 15 g 0.5 fl oz 15 ml
¼ cup 60 g 2.3 fl oz 60 ml
⅓ cup 80 g 2.7 fl oz 80 ml
½ cup 120 g 4.1 fl oz 120 ml
¾ cup 180 g 6.18 fl oz 180 ml
1 cup 240 g 8.1 fl oz 240 ml

Recipes with Coconut

Looking for recipe inspiration? Here are a few recipes with coconuts.

Pina Colada Mug Cake

Pina Colada Mug Cake

Natural Strawberry Coconut Popsicles

Natural Strawberry Coconut Popsicles

Samoa Rice Krispie Treats

Samoa Rice Krispie Treats

English Coconut Macaroons

English Coconut Macaroons

Tropical Granola Bars

Tropical Granola Bars

Toasted Coconot Vanilla Bean Marshmallows

Toasted Coconot Vanilla Bean Marshmallows

Coconut Ice

Coconut Ice

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