
Hazelnuts: Looking to convert measurements between cups (c), grams (g) and ounces (oz) for you recipes?

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Hazelnuts Measurements Conversion in Cups, Grams, and Ounces

Hazelnuts - Cups Grams Ounces

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Here you can find the detailed conversions for:

Chopped Hazelnuts

The measurement conversion of one cup of chopped hazelnuts is approximately 130 grams (4.6 ounces). The measurements may slightly differ based on the size and density of the chopped hazelnuts. Using a kitchen scale will provide the most accurate measurement for your recipes.

amount, in cups (c) amount, in grams (g) amount, in ounces (oz)
¼ cup 33 g 1.2 oz
⅓ cup 43 g 1.5 oz
½ cup 65 g 2.3 oz
¾ cup 98 g 3.5 oz
1 cup 130 g 4.6 oz

Whole Hazelnuts

The measurement conversion of one cup of whole hazelnuts is approximately 135 grams (5.3 ounces). Please note that the weight may vary slightly depending on the size and density of the hazelnuts. For precise measurements, it’s best to use a kitchen scale.

amount, in cups (c) amount, in grams (g) amount, in ounces (oz)
¼ cup 34 g 1.2 oz
⅓ cup 45 g 1.6 oz
½ cup 68 g 2.4 oz
¾ cup 101 g 3.6 oz
1 cup 135 g 4.8 oz

Hazelnut Flour (Hazelnut Meal)

The measurement equivalent of one cup of hazelnut flour (also known as hazelnut meal) is approximately 110 grams (3.9 ounces). Like whole and chopped hazelnuts, the actual weight may slightly vary depending on the fineness of the hazelnut flour. For precise measurements, it’s recommended to use a kitchen scale to achieve the desired results in your recipes.

amount, in cups (c) amount, in grams (g) amount, in ounces (oz)
¼ cup 28 g 1 oz
⅓ cup 37 g 1.3 oz
½ cup 55 g 1.9 oz
¾ cup 83 g 2.9 oz
1 cup 110 g 3.9 oz

Recipes with Hazelnuts

Looking for recipe inspiration? Here are a few recipes with hazelnuts.

Strawberry Hazelnut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Strawberry Hazelnut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Florentine Lace Cookies

Florentine Lace Cookies

More Recipes »