Polenta (Cornmeal)

Polenta (Cornmeal): Looking to convert measurements between cups (c), grams (g) and ounces (oz) for you recipes?

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Polenta (Cornmeal) Measurements Conversion in Cups, Grams, and Ounces

Cornmeal (Polenta) - Cups Grams Ounces

Converting each ingredient measurement from cups to grams and ounces was extremely time-consuming. Please share if you found it helpful.

Here you can find the detailed conversions:

Polenta (Cornmeal)

The measurements can vary on factors such as the ingredients’ density, moisture content, and measurement techniques between different units of measurement. The values below are a rough estimate.

amount, in cups (c) amount, in grams (g) amount, in ounces (oz)
¼ cup 40 g 1.4 oz
⅓ cup 53 g 1.9 oz
½ cup 80 g 2.8 oz
¾ cup 120 g 4.2 oz
1 cup 160 g 5.6 oz